PHAs are permitted to establish local preferences, and to give priority to serving families that meet those criteria. HUD specifically authorizes and places restrictions on certain types of local preferences. HUD also permits the PHA to establish other local preferences, at its discretion. Any local preferences established must be consistent with the PHA plan and the consolidated plan, and must be based on local housing needs and priorities that can be documented by generally accepted data sources.

The Fairfield Metropolitan Housing Authority is changing preferences on the Waiting List ranking order of applicants for the Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance program. Below are the new preferences:

  • NO FAULT TERMINATION: The applicant must have been terminated from Fairfield Metropolitan Housing Authority due to lack of funding.
  • VETERAN: A household that contains a person who served in the active military of the United States and was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable; OR of a household that contains a person serving in the active military of the United States. Each applicant for financial assistance, under the Veteran definition, shall be a veteran, as defined above, or of an active-duty member; or dependent spouse, surviving spouse, dependent parent, minor child, or ward of a Veteran or deceased Veteran, as defined above, or deceased persons who were so serving at the time of death, or an active-duty member.
  • EMANCIPATED FROM FOSTER CARE: The applicant(s) must be ages 18-22, have been in foster care and have been referred from Fairfield County Child Protective Services.