Special Programs & Houses

Special Programs & Houses

Forms relating to special programs and houses such as:

Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
Rutherford House
Pearl House


Rutherford House Application
 168 Byte

Rutherford House is a 16-unit supportive housing project for homeless families with disabilities. A comprehensive range of supportive services are available on the campus including early childhood programs, adult education , individualized case management, food pantry, utility assistance, and connections to specialized health and recovery services. Click here for more information on Rutherford House before downloading the application.

Pearl House Application
 168 Byte

Serving the community as a special place where homeless families suffering from addiction can heal and rebuild a healthy and productive lifestyle together, Pearl House strives to create a nurturing and supportive environment where residents receive convenient access to an array of services that allow them to focus on recovery as a whole. Click here for more information on Pearl House before downloading the application.